Here I am...

I’ve always seen a real opportunity for me to show to others my own vision of the world, with all its beauty, mysteries, and emotions.

One of my main roles is to innovate, show the real authenticity of every single subject, and tell new stories through my camera…

Born and growing up in the French part of Switzerland in 2002, I’ve been taking pictures for as long as I can remember.

Over the years, I’ve learned to find my own kind of art, with almost one goal on my mind: Create as much as I can, through my writings as a scriptwriter and my pictures as photographer.

I moved to Oxford UK in September 2020, a date that marked a new beginning in my life as an artist. Oxford was such a real source of inspiration to me. A city rich in history, its architecture.



London called me again, like a good old friend I never lost contact with… and here I am now !


A real playground for street-storytelling photography by its authenticity and dynamicity.

London never lacks opportunities in terms of inspiration..

We just need to attentively open our eyes and take a look around us to actually find it: Hidden amongst the crowd. And then, to capture the instant..

A fraction of a second that will stay engraved for a really long time.

I live it as a real chance for me to witness and highlight, these small actions from daily life, as small as a smile, and insignificant they can be that can have in any way an impact on our lives.

They show us the world, as beautiful and rough as it can be.

It’s my way to capture these moments, that, without thinking about it, make us in a certain way, everyday heroes ourselves.


I am still at the beginning of my career and have a lot to learn ahead of me, but I keep learning day after day, and the most important: pictures after pictures.

Welcome to my world